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5 Tips which often ignored by traveler

5 Tips which often ignored by traveler

Ask for advice and tips so the usual routine the traveler do before traveling. Unfortunately not all of the tips given is run of the traveler, such as the following 5 tips.

Here's 5 tips which oftentimes ignored by the travelers:

1. Using waist bag

In order not hassles to bring items or also searching the wallet when traveling, many people recommend the traveler to use a waist bag. But this advice is not followed by many tourists, the reason is because waist bag is outdated.

Whereas, with using a waist bag, you can more easily reach a variety of valuable items that is stored there. Travelers can also spared from pickpockets because valuable items can be maintained more easily.

2. Do not make schedule that is too dense

Travelers usually given suggestions in order not to make the schedule too dense. Besides because can save costs, schedule that is not too dense also gives break room more a lot.

But the reality is not. Many traveler who thinks that this is the only opportunity to visit the destination such. As a result, they will make the schedule as dense as possible so that there are many places that can be visited.

3. Roll the clothes, do not folded

Roll the clothes when packing be one of trick given to the tourists in order to the bag load a lot of clothes. But in fact this advice is not so followed by many traveler. Them and maybe you more happy fold the clothes rather than rolling it.

4. Do not speak with unknown persons

For the sake of security, many traveler given suggestions for not talk with unknown persons, especially for new the first time coming to the destination. Again-again, reality says different.

There are many travelers who do not heed this advice. Not without reason, with speak to new people particularly at local residents, traveler would find a new friend. Chances are you are given instructions good tourist location are also wide open.

5. Cost-effective with stay in the suburbs

Many the travelers who want to save money traveling given suggestions to stay in the hotel suburban area. But in fact this advice many ignored by tourists.

They keep choose to live in the city center and near with tourist attractions. The reason they will also keep spend the money more with pay for transportation facilities.
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Posted by: Unknown - Monday, 17 June 2013

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