World of Travel

Information about the world of travel, travel news, travel tips, hotels, tour, and the adventures

Thursday, 25 July 2013

This is heaven of flowers in Japan

Various pretty flowers scattered are here Tokyo - Holiday to japan, travelers will always be offered a unique tourism object. In the Kanto region, Japan a traveler can enjoy heaven of flowers year-round on a hill on the waterfront. Like what? Hitachi Seaside Park is located in Mito, Ibaraki prefecture, in addition Ajigaura Beach,...
Unknown Destinations
Thursday, 27 June 2013

Calls continue, this woman expelled from the plane

Charlotte - This is what would happen if the traveler does not want to follow the rules. A woman expelled forcibly from a plane because she do not want to turn off the phone. Still not received, this woman even fight and claw the officer. Commotion occurred in flight U.S. Airways flight number 906 from Fort Lauderdale to Charlotte,...
Unknown Travel News
Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Google maps offers a cool feature digital maps for the traveler

Google Street View at Marina Bay, Singapore Holiday already in front of eyes, which country that will we explored? Do not be afraid to strayed if not yet ever been there. We get a peek at the first virtual destination tourist destinations from google map application. Many tourists who for first come to a city or country. They certainly...
Unknown Travel News
Friday, 21 June 2013

Mystery skull of the japanese soldiers in lake sentani

Skulls of Japanese soldiers in the village of Puay, Lake Sentani Jayapura - Visits to Lake Sentani in Jayapura Regency, Papua, is not complete without touring the islands. One of the interesting island is the village of Puay, place existence skulls of Japanese soldiers who became a mystery. Team together entourage Ministry of...
Thursday, 20 June 2013

The U.S. had a plane graveyard in middle of the desert

Debris from the plane California - So far, the traveler only see the plane that will they ride on. However, in the Mojave Desert, the U.S., you can see the wreckage of the whole world. This is the grave of the aircraft from various around the world. Graveyard of this aircraft was officially named The Mojave Air and Space Port....
Unknown Destinations